Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dear Diary..

Today someone told me I am always in a good mood. Life is to short to keep your day down.  I would say, I am like every one else I have good and bad days.  But if you put your best foot forward you have a better chance of getting ahead.

If I am sleeping alone at night I am very sure I am going to watch Iphone porn and use my sex toys. It's like security blanket for me   So last night I feel asleep with out it.  I woke up at 3:00 am and had to do the trick to fall back to sleep.  So I am addicted- I might need a 12 step program.

I am pretty open about being bi-sexual. But I don't advertise it.   I feel everything has a time and place. So I tell people when they deserve to know.  One of the girls I often hook up with is back with her ex boyfriend.  He is going to be a little surprised to know she goes both ways now. Now that is going to be one big trick or treat this weekend.

Tonight I am going to crawl on the couch and watch television.   I am looking forward to it !

Love your Kit-Kat ox