Friday, October 1, 2010

Dear Diary,

I am addicted to my iPhone and option to watch porn on it. I must do it every night before bed. I am so addicted that I starting using headphone to hear the porn louder.  I wake up during the night and feel the need to watch more porn and use sex toys. I am sure I need a twelve program.

I am going out with my best friend Ashley this weekend.  She is recovering from a bad break up. I think she feels cock will cure her. I am sure it makes her feel good, but she will need a ton of cum to paste up her broke heart.  I am looking forward to the all the shenanigans we stumble across!! Sometimes you have to be the friend who just let's them go crazy.

I am starting my search this week for the best Halloween costume. Halloween is just excuse for girls to turn any costume in to something slutty.  One year my friend Meg came as a sexy smurf !

Off like a prom dress, Kitty ox