Monday, October 18, 2010

Dear Diary..

It's fun to go back !-- My friends from college had a cocktail party over the weekend. Cock comes with cocktails.  No matter how classy the party.  I thought I'd cock tease up my college ex boyfriend who flew in town. But I change my mind when the party started. He is my ex boyfriend for a reason.  I never met anyone who over thinks everything.  He is the type of person whom plans everything in life.  Sometimes you have to just go with the flow.  I heard he is dating a quiet librarian. I might have been to much for his mind to handle.  The party was a good time and loved seeing everyone.

I can give you the review of two thumbs up on my hitachi wand with attachments.  I loved the attachments without a doubt.  I have to say I liked the curved attachment piece the best.  It reminds me cock. but I actually like my cock bigger then the attachment.  

I am thinking of going as Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween.  Maybe I will meet the big bad wolf..  I could say my what big cock  you have. !!   I am pretty sure that is not how the story goes..

Love Kitty ox