Friday, April 29, 2011

Dear Diary

All my friends are starting to date new guys right now, it's funny how we tell each other everything when it first starts. Everything is so cute at the beginning. Then every day life kicks in and your ready to kill each other. Let' see how this summer loving plays out !  I never think summer relationships will last.  They go cold by the time the fall weather rolls in.

Every girl today is wanting to be a royal princess after watching the William and Kate Wedding. Maybe I should be all proper this weekend. I highly doubt that will happen. Some of my family was born in England, so tomorrow we are having a British blow out. I am very sure the only royal hats my family will have on is drunken shenanigan's.

With all the this royal talk this week.   I am sure the big pick up line tonight at the bars will all have something to do with Bangers and Mash. I have to say if a guy said that to me. He would be mashing himself later in the night very much alone.

Tonight I am heading out with friends - Grab and Pint and enjoy the weekend -- Kit ox

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dear Diary

Some people miss certain things about being home, I miss my Hitachi magic wand sex toy. You maybe ask why I don't take it with me. I would never take it on an airplane unless it had its own seat. I treat that sex toy like the king he is.   I would be pretty worried about him being in my suitcase. My god if he got broken I would cry real tears.   So I leave him on my bed like a king just waiting for his queen to return.

So last night I could have used my sex toy after this episode. I am at the bar having martinis with friends around dinner time. This guy comes over and asks if he can get me a drink. I very nicely say no thanks we are just about to leave,  but was nice meeting him. He seems cool and goes on his way to the next girl or should I say Thursday night victim. Just as we paying the tab, the owner of the bar gives us all a free drink. So what else can you do but have other drink. Just as I take a sip of the drink the guy shows back up asking if i am "too good for him"  He then proceeds to just make a total ass out of himself knocking over many drinks and gets tossed from the bar. To top it off you think he would just go home.  As we are getting in a cab he screams I will get you my pretty.  I swear to god that was from Wizard of Oz. 

So some nights you might meet someone and other times its good to have a sex toy. Thank god I at least have my back up toy in my suitcase.

Happy Weekend -- ox

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dear Diary,

So it's been a fun few days. I noticed something about myself. When I see a guy or girl that I find attractive. Something just clicks in my brain automatically and I start thinking of hooking up with them.  It could be the tall guy at the supermarket or sexy girl at the lingerie shop.  My sex drive is in over drive right now.  I feel like a bear that was just woken up from hibernation.

I never felt like your typical girl in my life, I always felt I connected to people, especially men since I was a darling little girl.  It's funny I used my cute words back then to charm them. Now I just use my words in more of a dirty way. 

Everyone needs an outlet to express yourself,  I would say mine is my blog and phone sex company.  I think its healthy to just give yourself a place to bring out your inner sexual beast.

On this hump day I say find your outlet -- no matter what or where it is. I am sure you can use your Imagination here !

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dear Diary..

So yesterday I am jetting around the house and I break my toe on the coffee table. I fell to the ground like I got shot. If you thought I talked dirty before, my mouth was like drunken sailor.  The funny thing is that coffee table has been there for years.   So knowing I had to go out last night. I am a bitch for fashion, so I jammed my foot in some red heels and went out.  So now that I have a tapped up toes and was told to be careful with it.  I am thinking sex tonight is going to get tricky. I might have to break out the karma sutra for some one legged positions.

Why do people relate sex to the weekends,  Do people really wait or is all the weekend cock-tailing the reason for the all night fun. As much as I love weekend sex. I am love spur of the moment very day sex. Why the hell wait for the weekends.  Well since it's the weekend I say get on it !

love kit ox