Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dear Diary,

So it's been a fun few days. I noticed something about myself. When I see a guy or girl that I find attractive. Something just clicks in my brain automatically and I start thinking of hooking up with them.  It could be the tall guy at the supermarket or sexy girl at the lingerie shop.  My sex drive is in over drive right now.  I feel like a bear that was just woken up from hibernation.

I never felt like your typical girl in my life, I always felt I connected to people, especially men since I was a darling little girl.  It's funny I used my cute words back then to charm them. Now I just use my words in more of a dirty way. 

Everyone needs an outlet to express yourself,  I would say mine is my blog and phone sex company.  I think its healthy to just give yourself a place to bring out your inner sexual beast.

On this hump day I say find your outlet -- no matter what or where it is. I am sure you can use your Imagination here !