Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dear Diary

Yesterday while at the gym, some guy walked right up to me and asked for phone number. I like a man who see's something he likes and just goes after it. I would have loved dating a cave man as he dragged me back by my hair to his cave for sex.

As much as I like to turn the tables in the bedroom. I like a guy who knows what he wants and can get it done without turning me off.

Sex comes in all speeds and god only knows I like a quickly on the kitchen table or bathroom sink.. But I'm most turned on when I can cock tease them all night before they are begging to blow a load.

Bring me a man who can play the game with me I might make him my Valentine.

ooxx- K

Friday, January 17, 2014

Dear Diary

I always laugh when guys make a big deal about girls at a strip club. Honestly I never saw why it's a huge deal. It's not like I we don't have the same body parts. I can see how it's hot watching two girls together.

I loved my first lap dance. Her name was "Petal" and she works me over. When she touched my face I wanted to jut kiss her. I got hooked right away. Since then,  I have always find it so hot to give a sexy hot grinding lap dance.

It's takes practice to perfect the grind.  I always found the best way to perfect my lap dance. I
put on sexy music and use a chair.

When my date least expects it I then turn on my talents and gives his lap a grind. To real spice it up I tie him
to the chair

Oh I am ready for the weekend -- Kit-Kat ox

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dear Diary

I woke up in a scandalous mood today.. that always a bonus for all the trouble I can find now !!

Maybe it was all the hot porn I watched last night before bed. I love seeing all the different sexual positions. No matter how many I watched, just give me ass up and face down with my tits pressed to the bed. It's always my absolutely favorite. I noticed that a lot of porn don't have good dirty talk. I don’t mean that fake dirty talk they do in porn like they never had sex before. I mean real dirty talk that makes you just ticks and turns you on.

I really think dirty talk has to be natural, you don’t have to go over the top. Just be real and speak from your body's needs and desires. It's your time to get what you really want in bed and just let it all go. If you want his hands on your ass, tell him or just grab his hand and spank your ass. 

I might need a spanking now, to bad spanking myself is never hard enough 

Kat ox