Friday, December 30, 2011

Dear Diary...

Santa came and went. I seriously have been in a Christmas hangover. But no fear my holiday hangover is over, Just in time for New Year's Eve.

So many thoughts come to mind from the last year after re reading my blog. It was fun reading about all stuff I can't believe I did last year. 

I have to say I'm pretty much done with 2011 -- I am making 2012 my year. I made a pact with myself to live every day like it was my last. To put myself first and achieve my dreams. 

Got to know so many wonderful people thur my blog and can't thank you enough for following me. I look forward to sharing with you next year.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. I will blow you a kiss at midnight !

Be Safe and much LOVE  oxox

Saturday, December 24, 2011

 Dear Diary...

Does wearing red panties count for holiday spirit. It's about as much
as I've got right now. Maybe after Santa stuffs me... well I mean
stuffs himself down my chimney my holiday's might pick up.

Lot's to do and very little time to do it, I'm wishing I had little elf
to finish my list and give me a happy ending.

I am thankful for my friends and family this holiday. It will be a joy
to see them all. So pour me a peppermint martini and get me the mistole

Ho it up - Santa always cums

Merry Christmas -- Much Love -- Kat ox

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Miss Me ?

I've been busier then Santa's elf lately, but I don't have that holly jolly spirit.

Maybe I should go sit on Santa's Lap at the mall. My guess he might get a tad turned on when I sit on his lap.  I will tell him I really can't think of one sex toy I want for Christmas.

I have Hitachi magic wand. I've never found anything with as much power. That toy is beyond magical.  now that is what I call a Christmas miracle.

Now if Santa wants good girls every year he should give out that sex toy. You would  have no time to go out and play with that sex toy between your legs.

Happy Shopping!!