Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dear Diary....

Everyone tells me write a book about the phone sex side of my life. Are you kidding me? I have enough problems writing blogs. Let's be serious I'd be better as an actress staring in my own life story then writing a book.

Maybe I should call myself a sexologist. I never disclose the communications I have with my callers to anyone. I am like a doctor with her clients, but I wearing pink boy-shorts. I love hearing all the dirty secrets and stories that come with my phone sex company.

People often ask me what are the guys like who call you. It's just like real life, you get the good and the bad. Sometimes they touch your heart when you least expect it. Then other times you want kick them to the curb. Sounds alot like my last boyfriend

So maybe I just feel like the phone sex doctor, when I make my clients feel better. But honestly I am just the girl next store with the voice of sin. Sometimes that is just what the doctor ordered.

Love Kat ox

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dear Diary...

I often read other blogs and wonder why girls feel the need to
exaggerate on how many dicks they slobber a week. You can be sexy,
dirty and hot without making yourself look like a cheap tramp.

Often you hear a tattoo called a tramp stamp. I could
never get one, I can't handle the pain.  I recently heard of this
company that you can get temporary ink with no needles. They draw and paint
on your body and it last months.  I am thinking of getting the Hello Kitty
with a devils horns. How cute would that be on my ass

Well I am looking forward to getting my devil on this weekend !

Happy almost hump day ! -- Kat ox