Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dear Diary

People often ask me do you worry about sharing to much of your life with this blog.  I never once thought about it. It's just a fun place to share my thoughts and stuff going on in my life.   Sometimes I talk about stuff that people can relate with but are afraid to talk about !!  It's pretty liberating if you ask me.

I went to the Chicago Blackhawks game last night,  Why is that guys will spend all night staring at you. It would take less of your time if you just walked over and said hello.   Even if relationships don't spark, I can't see anything wrong with having a conversation and meeting new people.

I am in the middle of re decorating my bedroom.   Maybe people talk about the kitchen being the heart of the home.  To me the bedroom is the real heart of them home.  I spend time in the bedroom, then I do in the kitchen.  (nothing wrong with doing it in the kitchen too).  So this weekend I am working on finding the perfect bedding and pillows for my bed.  You can never have enough pillows. !

I am going out to dinner tonight with a friend. I could label her the type of person who only talks or cares about herself.  So it should be a great time.  I will be so ready to get home and talk to my callers.

off like a prom dress,  Kitty ox