Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dear Diary,

Happy Football Day --   I am going to the Bears Game today.  I am working on my tailgating food.  My homemade breads are baking now. Now I know why people just buy bread. I really should be working on my outfit.  I tend to under dress for football games. I never wear a heavy jacket.  A guy at our tailgate must lend me a sweatshirt every time. He jokes I have on little girl mittens on, but no coat. So this time I am going to come prepared for weather.

Last night I saw some lady cougars at the bar. Just watching them reminds me of a bad frat party at three in the morning. When you'll hook up with anything just to get the job done.   I went out for a few drinks with friends but it ended up being a marathon of martini's. I got my swag on last night and what fun it was !

As much as I have no desire for Christmas, I saw they have a Naughty and Nice panties collection at Victoria Secret. I might have to treat myself to something Naughty this year.

So I was talking to friends about making a logo for Kitty Phone Sex  To be very cute they sent me this logo kitty and said it reminds them of me. I thought you all laugh, So I posted it at the bottom of my diary.  I think I might want to work on an other idea. 

Love Kitty ox