Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dear Diary,

What happen to this week,   I have been just over loaded with things to do and places to be.  I guess it's better the just waiting for things to happen.

As I am settled back in chilly Chicago now,  I am starting to hate the winter now. At first the snow was a fun change, but now I am over it.   Its like having a good sex hook up a few times then you realize it's more "emotional" work then it's worth.    Maybe I should start selling my mittens because I lost at least one of each pair I own.   Who needs to jerk off in my panties when I have a few mittens.

Screw the winter, This weekend I am on a mission to find some sparkly hot heels, nothing brings a spring in your step then shoes that make the whole world want to bang you.

Happy Weekend-- Kitty ox