Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dear Diary,

You ready for some Sunday football , I am so ready I could just tackle someone. I actually stayed in all weekend and rested. I never thought I could stay in for so many days without being handcuffed to a bed. Now that sounds more fun then being sick.

I am starting to feel like myself again. I knew I was starting to feel better when watching the movie Horrible Bosses.when Jennifer Aniston is talking dirty. Now this is my kind of talk and it just got me going!  I think that is a sign I am making a come back. I will treat myself to some hot porn for a bedtime story tonight.

I heard an old college friend got engaged over the weekend. I didn't have the heart to tell her we all knew him. We used to mock him cause he was horrible in the sack. Not only did he never talk during sex, he would shoot his load in a heartbeat. Maybe I should get her a sex toy for a wedding gift.  She is going to need it !

Happy Sunday-- K ox