Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dear Diary,

Did you miss me -- Can you image I can't talk ??

I have had Laryngitis for a few days, It seems everyone wants to talk to you when you can't really say anything back. It reminds me of when you have a significant other you give off a vibe, since that is when I swear I get hit on most. Talk about temptation. Once you're single its like what happen to all the action. When it rain's it pours and when your in a drought your almost begging for water.

I made a pledge to myself to be good girl this weekend and actually stay in and watch TV. My DVR better be ready to put out over and over. It's going to be long weekend for me. I am not even sure I will be able to stay in for three days. My god I feel like I am being punished. (maybe I am -I think the last two weekends is the reason I have laryngitis)

The only benefit of not being able to talk is I am gotten much better at dirty texting and online shopping - A girl has to do what a girl has to do !

Happy Thursday ox