Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dear Dairy

Some of my friends were all worked up when they lost power during the  hurricane.  Everyone should own battery operated sex toys to past the time.  I actually enjoyed being stuck in the house.

I can't even believe this summer is coming to an end,  I swear to god it was just Memorial day weekend. Dam this summer went to fast. I feel like I have to wrap all the rest of my summer fun in the next week.

I am spending the last of my summer in Saratoga, NY.  It's one of my favorite places in the world. I have lived in Saratoga every summer since I was a little girl. It's funny I see the same people every summer and reminds me of soap opera.  Hook up's, break up's, parties and fun! 

The only good thing about it being the last weekend of summer. You won't have to hide out from your drunken weekend hook up. You won't run in him to till next summer. 

Love Kat ox