Friday, September 17, 2010

Dear Diary

I woke today and realized it's Friday. I am not sure what I am going to do this weekend. The last few weekends I have been staying out to late and getting in alot of trouble. Maybe I should give myself a time out.

It's odd everyone is so up in arms about craigslist closing. Big deal they don't have adult section anymore. It's not hard to find stuff on the internet. Trust me if you want to get off you'll find a way.

Sunday football is back so I be cooking a feast to watch the games this weekend. Yes I can cook and talk dirty.  Why guys find that so hard to image. All my friends are what I call sports sluts. Girls who put out at halftime.  That even made me laugh.

Well I let's kick off this Friday with a touchdown :)

Love Kitty xxoo