Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dear Diary

I feel like the days and nights are going by so fast, it's like pre mature ejaculation. I am not ready for it but it happens. Sometimes don't you wish life would just stop!

I went out to dinner last night with a guy who I would call one of my best friends.  I just hate when you out to dinner and the waitress acts like your a couple.  I rather her just fuck him on the table then keep hinting at us on our relationship.  The steak was out of this world, I feel like I am girl who can't get enough meat.

I saw this porn yesterday a phone sex client sent me. The girl is pretty much pushed around like a toy and very hard fore play.  I had to admit I was pretty turned on. Maybe I like more then just a hard spanking..

I hope the calls are hot today I am in a frisky kitty mood !

- Love Kitty ox