Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Trick or Treat day !

Before the first kid knocks on the door today !

I can't stand when kids are to old for trick or treating, if you can drive a car you should not be collecting candy !

I also hate when kids come to the door in regular clothes and a bag. What is that ??

Parents now drive kids around on Halloween to each street and let them out. Hello when I was 10, I would run 15 blocks with a bedroom pillow case.
I also just love when they say can my sister have some, she is down on the street. Sorry if your sister can't walk up she really should not get any candy.

People whom give kids apples and chips, first of all the kids don't want that stuff. It will smash to bits when it's in bucket or a pillow case.

Single fathers whom make small talk at the door. One guy last year gave me his phone number after I gave his little daughter Skittles candy. I wonder if he gave his number and address to the people next store. They give out full size candy bars.

Last but not least, don't give crappy candy. Get the very best kinds. Remember when you would trade candy to get the Resses peanut cup with friends. Sorry you can't trade with lollipops.

Be safe and have a Happy Halloween !