Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dear Diary,
I have a Halloween hangover..  between the mini candy overload and spooky martini drinks. I have to admit I had enough to last a year.

Last night my friends and I went out pretty late to grab a drink,  We figured all the slutty costume girls would be home hooking up with any guy who said hello by the time we got the bar.

None of us dressed up and we still we got asked over a dozen times what's your costume.  So I finally said Paris Hilton.  If you give them an answer they would be happy and maybe leave you alone 

Last year I met a hockey player dressed as a hockey player,  The year before I met a doctor dressed as doctor.  I can tell you he was ready to give me a full physical right at the bar.  This year I met a Fireman who was really a Fireman.  To bad he puts out fires I was hoping he would light my fire last night.  

I am staring to think this is a pattern  Maybe I will met a Police Officer next year,  Which would be pretty fun if he let me try out his handcuffs and I don't mean cause I got arrested,

Time to put the costumes back in the bedroom where they belong until next Halloween
