Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dear Diary,

So this weekend was very hot and so was the weather -- !   I feel like I had to sleep all day Monday to just bounce back.  It just brings me one day closer to the weekend again.  Can you tell I am ready for it?

I just have loved this summer, so far it's been so much fun but going by so quickly.
Something about a summer lovin relationship.  Lyrics taken right from the song Summer Nights in the movie Grease  -  "They are a blast, they happen to fast and then it's just ripped at the seams".

We are getting so close to the last month of summer  This is when I realized my summer lovin will turn cold like the weather.

I often wondered why people go for summer thrill over the winter hibernation relationship.  In the winter you would spend much more time in doors. Maybe a snow storm could keep you in for days. What to do other then heat things up.  I think I will just act like a bear and find myself some dark cave/bedroom and fuck the winter away. 

Just a thought .....