Monday, December 13, 2010

Dear Diary

I must have been crazy, but I went to the snowy cold NFL football game yesterday in a windy blizzard.  No matter cute I really love to dress. But in that kind of weather, I am sure it's the most clothes I have ever worn in my life.

Since it was so bad out yesterday, we had some cocktails in the car before the game. I felt like in high school just before going to a dance. I kept making jokes about how in high school I just needed some "boy" to make out with me and sober up before I get dropped off at my parents.  Ahh when life was so simple then.

I spent the rest of the night laying around in boy shorts and watching movies.  Nothing like a heaping cup of warm hot chocolate to relax the night away before I tuck myself in to bed with some hot porn and slow dirty sex. I usually like it hot and fast but it did wear me out for bed.

A friend of mine was in a very bad car accident, I truly believe he will some day be able to read my blog again.  so I hope he knows I am thinking of him and hope he fights to stay with us all.  It's funny how people can touch your heart not matter how far away.

Love Kitty ox