Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Dear Diary.....

Are you ready for some Football ?

Tailgating is one of the best places to meet someone. I have to say it's its better then any bar or supermarket. Most people who go tailgating are just looking for a good time. They show up in a a great mood which just accelerates as cocktails, food and fun just pumps up the day.
My friends and I make keep a running count of how many phone numbers our friends get when tailgating. Tailgating is like a game show. You bring a friend who is the best host. Add in some great "game" players and the tailgate is your audience. In my world, survey says-- this is going to be a good day!
Something about the game of football just turns my sex drive in to a touchdown.   Maybe its all that tackling,  god only knows I like a good hit from behind.   
I think they should sell edible panties with sports logo's on them. I am pretty sure it would be a huge sell.  Nothing like going down to celebrate !!
Go Pats --  Kat oxox