Monday, January 7, 2013

Dear Diary,

So it's 2013.....

Yes I know it started last week.  But I am slowly easing in to the new year.  What's the rush I've got a plenty of time. I feel like I am in a holiday hangover. The holiday buzz has worn off and winter months are settling in for me. I find nothing sexy about mittens and its getting cold out.

So I'm ready for a start in the new year, I am itching to do something brand new.  My friends and I joke we mean "DO" someone new.  Not like that is a bad thing. So I am racking my pretty little head on what I am going to explore in the new year.

Recently alot of my girlfriends went single, The Summer romance's have all burnt out, so I've gotten to hear alot of girl talk and wine drinking the last few weeks. So I am looking forward to "girls nights out" now.  Nothing more dangerous then girls in heat.  This won't be something  new for me but I am looking forward to it.

So I start my search today on something new to spark my interest...

Kat ox