Friday, February 3, 2012

Dear Diary,

I have been having the most bizarre dreams lately, One of the dreams I actually had a baby. I was so freaked when I woke up I wanted to take a pregnancy test to easy my mind. I have nothing against kids, I just not having them any time soon.  Dreams like that give me excuse to find myself in a bottle of chocolate vodka tonight.

I recently met a friend's new girlfriend. Right away I did not like her and I get along with everyone. Her large pocketbook must have been weighing down her personality. I wanted to jam her cell phone down her throat. So when he asked me what I thought. My first instinct was to say oh she is nice -good luck with that relationship. But I went with my second thought. I said honestly she is a bitch and when your tired of fucking her let me know.

At first he just stood there with a blank face, then we both started laughing until it hurt. It's really not my style to comment on other peoples relationships. But sometimes you have to just have to tell it like it is.

Speaking of telling people like it is, I had this other odd dream that I told a different friend that I wanted to be in a relationship with him. No it's not the same guy I just said I hated his girlfriend. But the dream was like a bad soap opera love story. I could never picture myself telling some guy I want to be his girlfriend. I make the guys come to me, that is how it's done my world.

So I'm not going to take this as a sign of anything that I am dreaming of babies and boyfriends. I am going to
go back to dreaming about sexy threesomes and spankings in boy shorts.

Happy Weekend All ox