Monday, May 7, 2012

Dear Diary...

My weekend was full of bing, bang and boom and let's not forget the sizzle and spice. I had to spend most of Sunday in my pajamas relaxing to recover! As much as I like the getting out and living it up. I have to admit I am hometown girl with strong family roots and enjoy just doing nothing.

Well speaking of nothing, I think nothing of being open about my sexuality. I don't advertise it, but if I am asked a direct question. I will answer it, but only about my sexual actions. I don't kiss and tell about others. Not everyone likes their dirty laundry shared.

Last week, I ran to a bunch of old friends, one of them had his new girlfriend with him. Funny thing is that his new girlfriend is someone I had sexual relations with a few years back in a threesome with my boyfriend at the time. It's a small world and people often date or have sex with other people you know. But this will be the first time , I tell a guy friend, it's not your friend I hooked up with it's your girlfriend.

So tonight when I call him, first of all he will find out I like girls as well, but so does his girlfriend.


Happy Monday oxoxo