Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dear Diary..

Wow this week just got away from me.  How is it Sunday already. It's like waking up from a hook up and asking what happen.  No idea where is this week went !

I am going to a wedding reception this upcoming weekend. The couple already got hitched, but they are having a big bash. Do I bring a date or find a date there.  It's reminds me of the wedding saying  "something old, something new or something blue"  I could bring the old stand by date or get someone new.  Blue could go for blue balls or me if I don't meet someone.

Something about wedding's bring out lust in people. We could blame the wedding cake, but my guess it's the cocktails.  The cocktails and wedding "love" fuel the desire that love is grand.

I remember one wedding when the groom's best-man and I hooked up in the honeymoon suite when decorating it. We would have gotten away with it if he had not left his bow-tie under the fancy comforter after we remade the bed.

So to happily ever after and hot hookup's. We will see what happens!

Love K ox